Hello there, I’m Victoria.


We all play many roles in this world.

One of my favorite roles that I play is translator: I take complex medical, biological, and scientific information in order to make it beautiful and understandable to a wide range of audiences.

It’s about engagement.

Translating to an audience that isn’t listening can be a daunting, if not impossible task. I strive to engage audiences in a carefully crafted story rooted in research, and written for the human. I build my story from the ground up, by defining the big picture, and weaving in intricate details. Through engagement, we build connection. Through connection, we develop understanding.

My Story

I grew up Wood Dale, IL, a suburb of Chicago. I moved to Ann Arbor, MI to pursue a BS in General Biology and a BA in Art and Design at the University of Michigan, hoping to find a way to combine my seemingly divergent interests. Within my first week of college, I discovered the field of medical illustration and sought out various opportunities in visualizing the life sciences. These interests brought me to pursuing a Master of Science in Biomedical Visualization at the University of Illinois at Chicago. There, I consistently practiced captivating and effective medical and biological storytelling, while gaining proficiency in a number or programs in illustration, 3-D modeling, and interactive software. My research allowed me to explore a medical and health education story, by creating effective visuals to instruct a novel dissection to medical and applied health students. I am honored to produce illustrations and learn about all stages of the publishing production pipeline as an intern for the editorial graphics team at the Journal of the American Medical Association. Through my coursework, research, and internship, I continue to develop my passion for using visual communication to improve medical education for patients, students, and professionals.


Interested in collaborating? Let’s connect!